Why, hello there. Somehow you’ve stumbled upon our Positively Defiant media-making endeavor. And maybe you’re wondering, who are these people, and why should I care about what they have to say? Allow me to introduce myself… I’m Rivvy and I live in The Shoals area of NW Alabama.
My partner Bo and I want to offer our unique perspective on the state of our state. We want to engage in conversations with other people who are thinking about how in the heck to move forward in the reddest red state of the union. We want to point to resources that might be valuable to other “blue dots” who are trying to stay positive in this crazy political climate. We want to elevate the voices of others who are doing the work on the ground, fighting for progress and compassion in this world. Above all, we want to be a source of positivity and hope amidst the chaos.
Living in the Bible Belt, having the beliefs that we do, makes us a voice of DEFIANCE, but our brand of defiance is rooted in positivity…. Hence, Positively Defiant. Follow us @positivelydefiant for updates as we launch our new site over the next few weeks, positivelydefiant.com